the beginning
I've been thinking about writing a blog for a while now, sort of to take the place of, or supplement, my personal website ( And now I've actually created it. I was recently inspired by a friend of mine, Chad Heddleston, who showed me his friends blog and his brother's write up of a climb in Washington, Mt Shuksan. I thought both the blog and the write-up were really inspiring, and figured now that I'm planning some adventures, this would be an awesome way to share them with my friends and family.
I'm going to keep this as up to date as possible, as long as it doesn't become a burden. So I apologize in advance if it gets old and stale like my other websites have become. I'm really keeping it as a journal or diary of travels and adventures, somewhat for myself, but also to share with anyone that's interested. I hadn't felt like I was doing anything really 'blog worthy' for a while there, say 2002-2005, just working and living in Frederick with the occasional fun trip thrown in there. Wish I would have written something down though! (Vail, Jackson Hole, scuba in Bonaire, backpacking weekends) But I would always get back from a trip and immediately be immersed in the day to day of work and life, as if the trip never even happened. A total bummer. I always had my photos to enjoy and spark memories, but I wasn't writing anything down. I've keep a journal before, when studying abroad in Australia, and I love reading it now. So hopefully this will work out in the same way.
I don't plan on making it really mundane like so many other blogs I've read... So it won't include stuff like: "woke up today, had some cereal for breakfast, drove to work..." yeah, I know ya'll don't care about that stuff, so I'll leave it out.
Love you Pat Dad&Mom
Anonymous, at September 14, 2005 9:20 PM
Hey Pat, I'm thinking of you and I'll be following along! :) Anne Hartley
Anonymous, at September 29, 2005 5:33 PM
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