Curry in a hurry
Welcome to India:
So glad I've got a camera again! enjoy.

Sikh worshiper at the Golden Temple.

Sunrise at the Golden Temple, Armritsar, Punjab, India

Sikh guard with Golden Temple in background

Golden Temple, home of the Sikh Religion, which was founded by Guru Nanak in the 1600's.

The motley crew. We had to walk around the temple in a clockwise direction, in bare feet and with our head covered. They provided the scarves. There's a 24 hour chant performed by 4 Sikh priests, and free food provided to everyone, free entry. This is a really interesting religion, and really cool place to visit, glad we made it up here.

Last taxi ride in Kathmandu, on the way to the aeropuerta. My nickname is now BUCK. The mustache will probably be gone by the time you read this, am getting too many stares.... ;-)
So, we took a 5.5 hour train ride from Delhi to Armritsar yesterday, it was excellent. Great food served, A/C, comfy not crammed seats. Awesome. Armritsar is in Punjab (a state) and the home to the Sikh religion. The Sikhs have a long and ghastly brutal history with the Muhgals, and it was pretty interesting checking out the Golden Temple and museum. We were pretty much the only tourists there, among hundreds of Sikh's coming to worship.
Heading in an hour to the Pakistani border to watch the 'closing ceremonies' which is a Monty pythonish event which occurs and sunset everyday. The Indian and Pakistani army's meet eachother to lower their flags and try to out stomp, out march, and out scowl eachother. Later today we're hopping an overnight bus to Ganganga and then onto Bikaner. Bikaner has a temple full of rats (~40,000), which we hope to enter and photograph, one catch... Have to take our shoes off. Should be like that scene in Indiana Jones, looking forward to it?
So glad I've got a camera again! enjoy.

Sikh worshiper at the Golden Temple.

Sunrise at the Golden Temple, Armritsar, Punjab, India

Sikh guard with Golden Temple in background

Golden Temple, home of the Sikh Religion, which was founded by Guru Nanak in the 1600's.

The motley crew. We had to walk around the temple in a clockwise direction, in bare feet and with our head covered. They provided the scarves. There's a 24 hour chant performed by 4 Sikh priests, and free food provided to everyone, free entry. This is a really interesting religion, and really cool place to visit, glad we made it up here.

Last taxi ride in Kathmandu, on the way to the aeropuerta. My nickname is now BUCK. The mustache will probably be gone by the time you read this, am getting too many stares.... ;-)
So, we took a 5.5 hour train ride from Delhi to Armritsar yesterday, it was excellent. Great food served, A/C, comfy not crammed seats. Awesome. Armritsar is in Punjab (a state) and the home to the Sikh religion. The Sikhs have a long and ghastly brutal history with the Muhgals, and it was pretty interesting checking out the Golden Temple and museum. We were pretty much the only tourists there, among hundreds of Sikh's coming to worship.
Heading in an hour to the Pakistani border to watch the 'closing ceremonies' which is a Monty pythonish event which occurs and sunset everyday. The Indian and Pakistani army's meet eachother to lower their flags and try to out stomp, out march, and out scowl eachother. Later today we're hopping an overnight bus to Ganganga and then onto Bikaner. Bikaner has a temple full of rats (~40,000), which we hope to enter and photograph, one catch... Have to take our shoes off. Should be like that scene in Indiana Jones, looking forward to it?
Hey! You shaved!!!
We are glad you have a camera too. Love the photos.
I'm not so sure about wanting to walk around where there are rats with no shoes. But what the hell, you only live once!!!
Anonymous, at November 25, 2005 6:42 PM
Hi Patrick. I've joined this 'hiking partner' related website and wondered if you know of any other website which might help me to find a hiking partner in my local area? Many thanks
Anonymous, at November 27, 2005 10:44 AM
Thanksgiving in Frederick just wasn't the same without you here.
On another note, your hulk beard is awesome ... no ... glorious.
Enjoy yourself and watch those pockets. I live vicariously through you with this blog.
Anonymous, at November 27, 2005 6:43 PM
Hi Patrick, Your pictures are amazing. We miss you! Love, Weingrad
Anonymous, at November 28, 2005 10:45 AM
glad to see that you still have the photographic touch, and that you have rediscovered the joy of experimental facial hair... you undoubtedly have a much hairier upper lip than i could ever hope to have. sorry i missed your call the other day... take care, godspeed. saf.
Anonymous, at November 28, 2005 4:16 PM
Nice Bandana!!
Have you seen to the new pirate movie?
It's rated Rrrrrrrrrr!
Anonymous, at November 28, 2005 4:36 PM
Way to build the foreign relations with the killer Fu Manchu. If you haven't found any deeper meaning to life, you have definitely found the right facial hair style to continue the journey.
Enjoy, and keep the pictures coming...
Anonymous, at November 29, 2005 1:29 PM
I'm diggin' the facial stuff! Good to see you got a new camera. Awesome shots, as usual. Keep up the writing and pix, it makes the rainy cold nights of Frederick go by quicker! Safe journey to you and your mates. Larry (MJC)
Anonymous, at November 30, 2005 2:01 AM
I will mourn the chops and the matching stache. I will also be framing that picture of you and putting it next to my bed
Anonymous, at December 06, 2005 12:47 AM
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