Son of a...
I got pick pocketed. I feel like such a sucker. Right after I updated the blog, and THANKFULLY downloaded all of my photos from the last few days in Kathmandu and the whole Tibet trip to CD, Tim, Tess (great Swedish girl we met, who's been traveling around the subcontinent for 2.5 years), and I decided to head to the nearby Jokhang Monastery because there's free entry at 6pm. We were planning to walk up to the roof and take some sunset photos of Lhasa and the Potala palace. Well, there was a huge crowd waiting to get in (ala free entry), about 100-150 Tibetans, and us. Just before they opened the doors there was a huge push in the crowd and everyone was getting crushed up against the doors. Lots of pushing and bumping. I put my camera in my right front pocket and kept my hand on it. The crowd then really started pushing and the three of us got split up, we were struggling to keep upright and I took my hand off the camera to use my arms to push and brace against everyone. It was sort of dangerous, but as soon as the doors opened we all just rushed through, nobody got hurt. Once I got through, I realized my camera was gone! I was pretty shocked, I hand my hand on it like 45 seconds before... I was frantically looking around, but couldn't go back because of all the people rushing through. Once they all got through I looked and looked, but it was long gone. I looked for shady folks walking away, but didn't notice anyone.
Man, I was pisssssed. Felt like such an idiot, I had my camera out and was taking pictures just before I got into the crowd, must have looked like such a target. Tim and Tess came back and helped look, but no luck, it was gone. My camera was in the sticky fingers of some damn pickpocket. I talked to my hotel front desk people, they told me where to go tomorrow, since it was past 6pm, the police office I was supposed to go to was closed for the day. So today I've been sitting around, and trying to find 3 different PSB (Public Security Bureau) offices. The first one I went to had lots of cops, but none that spoke any English, I tried to get someone from the hotel that spoke Chinese and English to come with me, no luck. Tess came with me as a witness to the correct office and I got the report filed out and gave a statement. They asked if I had any 'suspects,' I wanted to say "yeah, dark hair, 5'4'', either Tibetan or Chinese." But figured that would just cause more confusion than it was worth... Oh well. At least I didn't lose any photos, just the Camera and a memory card... both replaceable. Oh and I had the room key and about 150 yuan in cash in the other pocket. Not the way I wanted to end my Tibet trip... Looking forward to getting back to Nepal tomorrow. The flight goes right over Everest and is supposed to be awesome!
Serious bummer. Well, hopefully you can find a replacement camera. Maybe your dad can wire you some funds :) Just kidding, Jim.
Anonymous, at October 28, 2005 8:22 AM
That sucks! Believe me I am the QUEEN of being robbed on trips abroad. When my camera was stolen in San Sebastien, Spain I was livid - 1 month of photos of Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany - GONE! So count yourself lucky that you didn't lose the pictures - they are truly priceless. Sorry about the robbery! Glad you weren't hurt.
Anonymous, at October 28, 2005 8:57 AM
sorry to hear about the pick pocketing, but look on the bright side: YOU HAVE A SWEET ASS BEARD!! hell yeah man, that thing is something to be proud of. matt must feel horribly inadequate...hahaha.
Anonymous, at October 28, 2005 1:40 PM
Yeah, send some funds!!! Well, I could sell a kidney, that should cover my new camera.
Keep posting comments people, I love to read them.
Patrick Moloney, at October 29, 2005 6:09 AM
It does truly suck to know you've been taken. Be grateful that you did not loose that many photos. The camera can be replaced, where should people send the "funds”? When you get home, ask us about the monkeys in Bali and cameras!!! Look forward to your next posting and happier news.
Anonymous, at October 29, 2005 7:22 PM
Sorry, but not especially surprised, to hear about your pick-pocketing experience. I hope it's okay with you that I've forwarded your blog address to my folks as they've done, and continue to do, quite a bit of world-traveling, including China, South Asia, Eastern Europe, Central & South America (including various harrowing bathroom experiences that I'd rather not go in to... especially the one's in China - trust me, I'll never poop in a one star!). In addition, they've also been victimized by international pick-pocketers... more than once. So, know that you're not alone. Perhaps they (my Dad, most likely - Mom's incredibly phobic of anything and everything electronic) can offer some useful advice. If nothing else, after relating your ongoing adventure to them, I'm quite sure they'll enjoy simply 'going along for the ride' like I and my kids have been.
Please let me know if you're having trouble finding funds for a new camera or, heck, anything else. After all of my boy's fundraising events, I've become quite skilled at rustling money out of the EHS folks. It'd be a terrible shame to miss out on seeing, in pictures, exactly what you're up to. Your photos, thus far, have been overwhelming and incredible to behold. I'd hate for you to miss out on capturing the rest of your adventure(s) on film (or digitally).
Best wishes, always... and, if you need ANYTHING... please do not hesitate to ask, and I mean that SERIOUSLY. If I do say so myself, I'm unbelievably good at finding and delivering all kinds of oddball stuff (especially the kind of stuff needed for international travel). Besides, I've always been a sucker for adorably naive 20-somethings. (Except for Brian - geez I hope he's not reading this! - YIKES!) ;p
Barbara Romeka
PS - You can contact me at either of my email addresses of: ...and/or... --- Trust me, I check the work one waaaayy more often than the home one. In other words, if it's urgent... use the work one.
PSS - BTW, do yourself a favor... now... pay close attention... take three very deep and slow breaths..... ..... ..... Now, consciously press your shoulders down as far as you can... continue your slow/deep breathing... and, finally, return to the calm, patient Karma you experienced whilst in the midst of the madness known as NCI-Frederick... (Ok... um... maybe you should pick a different vision...)
Anonymous, at November 02, 2005 12:01 AM
What about pics of the girl???
Anonymous, at November 02, 2005 2:28 PM
Good to see that you are keeping an awesome journal. I have a lot of respect for you and the fact that you are doing this trek. What an incredible story and memories in the making. Best of luck to you, spend the money on a new camera and keep writing! Amazing, truely amazing! Think your Chero would be able to make the trip next time? haha Take care, Larry aka Frankenjeeps from MJC
Anonymous, at November 09, 2005 10:20 PM
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