Big day
Hey, Great to hear from everyone back home! Thanks for the emails and comments, i really enjoy keeping in touch.
So, have a pretty big day today: it's 5:40am in Hong Kong at the moment, I've got a 8:05am flight into Bangkok, 7:30hrs on the ground there which I hope to use to explore a bit and hopefully make it safely back to the aeropuerto for my 5 something pm flight into Dehli, India. Then it's another fantastic layover until the next morning when I'll meet up with Matt, and his mate Tim, to catch our flight into Kathmandu, Nepal. The latest ceasefire between the maoist rebals and the government seems to be holding, so jeee, that's great news! Hopefully the King will have resinded on the communications ban, and the internet and phone systems will be up, if not, I'll talk to you all in 91 days! ahhhh! Ok, should be just fine, no worries :)
So, have a pretty big day today: it's 5:40am in Hong Kong at the moment, I've got a 8:05am flight into Bangkok, 7:30hrs on the ground there which I hope to use to explore a bit and hopefully make it safely back to the aeropuerto for my 5 something pm flight into Dehli, India. Then it's another fantastic layover until the next morning when I'll meet up with Matt, and his mate Tim, to catch our flight into Kathmandu, Nepal. The latest ceasefire between the maoist rebals and the government seems to be holding, so jeee, that's great news! Hopefully the King will have resinded on the communications ban, and the internet and phone systems will be up, if not, I'll talk to you all in 91 days! ahhhh! Ok, should be just fine, no worries :)
Dear Patrick,
I hope you don't get hurt and that you have a nice time climbing and walking so far. When you get back, tell me (or my Mom) how it was.
I hope you have loads of fun along your way!
Best wishes,
Michael Romeka
Anonymous, at September 23, 2005 8:32 PM
you better have been kidding about the "91 days"!!!
Anonymous, at September 24, 2005 12:30 AM
pat that scares me. be careful!
Anonymous, at September 24, 2005 9:28 AM
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