Suss it out
"Heeeelloo, Namaste (bow, put hands together in prayer sign in front of chest) how are you doing today? where are you from? You want to do trekking? rafting? Oh from USA, I love USA, I have friends in California, you want hashish too? "
that's the typical rap I get walking down the street. Kinda gets old, but is fine, they're all very friendly. Have yet to meet a negative nepali. They have so little compared to the rest of world, esp the westerners, but are so happy.
We've spent the past two days organizing our Everest base camp trek, which we leave for tomorrow morning at 6:30am, flying into the village Lukla at 2800meters from there it should be a 14 day walk to base camp and back. Packs are nice and light, will be staying in 'tea houses' and eating/getting food along the way. Altitude is an issue and will be looking out for signs of sickness for sure, while going as slow as we can. I think we're ready and will be guiding ourselves, from all of our trusted sources this seems the way to go, have maps, guidebooks, GPS, etc... Tim and I have a lot of experience and Matt is great as well. If the going gets too tough or we just get a little lazy, we can hire a guide while we're going. Have registered with our respective embassies, got permits, flights in/out, last minute gear... Matt, is in fact taking a full size Criket bat and a tennis ball, only what we need to survive. Tim has the biggest camera you've ever seen and an even bigger waterproof/crushproof/dustproof/tornado proof case I've ever seen. I have the essentials, which includes enough diarrhea pills to make a line from here to basecamp.
We've organized and put a deposit down on a trip to Tibet leaving Oct. 18th. We'll be driving out of Nepal towards Tibet and then through Tibet, see Everest from the North Side basecamp, and then onto Lhasa (watch seven years in tibet for scenery) Should be a wild ride. Flying back to Kathmandu from Lhasa. So things seems to be progressing nicely, haven't had a whole lot of time to hangout, but hopefully the trek will provide plenty of time for reading and relaxation (after the hiking of course). Glad to hear from everyone, I really appreciate you all following along. To know you're all here with me, in spirit if not in person, keeps me smiling too.
I hope to get some photos online after the trek... I'll be out of contact for the next two weeks or so, but will update if I can sooner.
rocking the full beard too. SAF
that's the typical rap I get walking down the street. Kinda gets old, but is fine, they're all very friendly. Have yet to meet a negative nepali. They have so little compared to the rest of world, esp the westerners, but are so happy.
We've spent the past two days organizing our Everest base camp trek, which we leave for tomorrow morning at 6:30am, flying into the village Lukla at 2800meters from there it should be a 14 day walk to base camp and back. Packs are nice and light, will be staying in 'tea houses' and eating/getting food along the way. Altitude is an issue and will be looking out for signs of sickness for sure, while going as slow as we can. I think we're ready and will be guiding ourselves, from all of our trusted sources this seems the way to go, have maps, guidebooks, GPS, etc... Tim and I have a lot of experience and Matt is great as well. If the going gets too tough or we just get a little lazy, we can hire a guide while we're going. Have registered with our respective embassies, got permits, flights in/out, last minute gear... Matt, is in fact taking a full size Criket bat and a tennis ball, only what we need to survive. Tim has the biggest camera you've ever seen and an even bigger waterproof/crushproof/dustproof/tornado proof case I've ever seen. I have the essentials, which includes enough diarrhea pills to make a line from here to basecamp.
We've organized and put a deposit down on a trip to Tibet leaving Oct. 18th. We'll be driving out of Nepal towards Tibet and then through Tibet, see Everest from the North Side basecamp, and then onto Lhasa (watch seven years in tibet for scenery) Should be a wild ride. Flying back to Kathmandu from Lhasa. So things seems to be progressing nicely, haven't had a whole lot of time to hangout, but hopefully the trek will provide plenty of time for reading and relaxation (after the hiking of course). Glad to hear from everyone, I really appreciate you all following along. To know you're all here with me, in spirit if not in person, keeps me smiling too.
I hope to get some photos online after the trek... I'll be out of contact for the next two weeks or so, but will update if I can sooner.
rocking the full beard too. SAF
Pat pat pat -
Best of luck up there, my friend.
Anonymous, at September 27, 2005 11:12 AM
Howdy, my buddy Darell from WVa said that this here site is where I need to go fer fixin up the carborater on my 1984 Chevy Camaro IROC-Z. I ain't never been to Nepali, Where's it at? Is it just north of Charleston? Anywho. So this here is my problem... Dude! I'm so frickin' jealous!! This sounds fantastic. But don't go getting too spiritual and weird on us, otherwise we might have to swing by "Dharma" on Saturdays while we're mountain biking to see ya. Now as far as the hashish is concerned just remember what Mr Mackey said, "Drugs are bad Uhm-kay!" Have fun on the hanging bridges, and trying to find a tree or stone large enough to poop behind. You're not on Rainier anymore. Oooh, I'm weeping from envy! Why did I waste my youth going to grad school!!
O.k. enough kiddin. Take care my friend, be safe, have an awesome time and for God's sakes will you please just go Salsa Dancing so Ann will stop wasting blog space harassing you about it :-)
Anonymous, at September 27, 2005 2:16 PM
ok, enough. I finally quit my job.. just walked in and told the old s.o.b. boss..that I quit. I've had enough.. I'm gonna wander the world..Pat, I wanna be like you.. heck, I wanna BE you.
I'm flyin' out tomorrow.. see you in base camp! .....not...
travel safely.. drink a lot.. and have a ball!
oh yeah.. and keep posting.
Anonymous, at September 27, 2005 8:26 PM
have fun trekkin! ahh the travelin' life is the best life! :)
Anonymous, at September 28, 2005 2:49 PM
full beard?! sweeeeet. i must say, your blogs are so cool that i can brag to my friends and be like "yeah, thats right, i know that guy, we grew up together". clan of the cave bear, my friend. SAF
Anonymous, at September 30, 2005 10:22 AM
Bring me a rock from the top of the mountain, and one for your self! You are truly climbing towards greatness.
Anonymous, at September 30, 2005 10:24 AM
We are with you in spirit!!! Take as many pictures as you can. So far it sounds like you are having a great time.Its' great that you can keepin touch with everyone this way. Be safe.
Anonymous, at September 30, 2005 1:41 PM
Hey Pat!
Brianna is following your trip too, and she's learning alot! Thanks for filling us in on this incredible journey. We're cheering from the sidelines! Go with compassion.
love, AP and UM
Anonymous, at October 01, 2005 11:06 PM
Pat - are you going to turn this into a book? You really should. You could compete with Bill Bryson and the likes... Your writing is great, I feel like I am there when I read it! Keep on trekkin!
Anonymous, at October 04, 2005 7:45 AM
PATRICK! You had better be careful on Everest - since you made me read 'Into Thin Air' - now I'm all kinds of worried about you! DangerPat.
Your blog is fantastic... can't wait to read about the 'hike.'
Miss you!
Anonymous, at October 07, 2005 9:24 PM
uncle john griffin says
sounds like good, careful planning going on. makes the old hippies not only jealous, but less nervous about your great adventure. news from cincinnati is we won't be here by the time you get back. we're moving to scottsdale az for a dream job for julia and year-round golf for me, although i'll work in hotel/restaurant accounting for a few years yet.
Anonymous, at October 08, 2005 12:18 PM
hey man hope things are ok after the quakes keep in touch if you can
Anonymous, at October 09, 2005 7:08 PM
Uncle Jim says: Family news; Ann's daughter Shannon and Dan had a baby boy on 9/28; Ryan Daniel who is #2 after Abby, 3. Tim and Marlena had a baby girl on 10/3, Cara Michael who is #4 after Madigan, 8; Daniel, 6; and Adam 4. Both are full term, over 8.5 lbs and healthy.
Your Dad said that you had some of Marya's Heart Rocks with you. I'm sure she is watching over you on your journey as she is with Ryan and Cara'a journey into life.
Speaking of bringing heart rocks, I learned about "earth weaving" from an Indian Medicine Woman named Bernice Fallingleaves who I worked with in the early 1990's. When I travel I bring a pouch of dirt with me and I leave some and collect some from each place I go and mix it. I've done this since then and have earth from the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, England, Japan and Korea. The Native People took earth from where they lived to where they were going to bring the earth's energy with them in the form of the Great Spirit and to help balance the energy of Mother Earth. So as you travel, "May the Great Spirit be with you in the Spirit of Marya and her Heart Rocks."
Anonymous, at October 10, 2005 2:53 PM
No words words. Bringing back great memories and surely making those that you'll never forget.
Just heard that you took off on this adventure from Andy.
Fi, Little Skye and I have been engulfed in our new life in paradise here on Catalina Island and out of the loop.
So glad that you took the leap...Fi and I knew you'd hit the road. No advice as you have obviously seen the influence of serendipity and synchronicity that leads the way.
Anonymous, at November 04, 2005 2:07 PM
Just found the link to your journal! Still jealous of your trip - setbacks and all.
No matter what else life throws at you from here on out, this trip is what you'll remember most.
Safe journey!
Anonymous, at November 10, 2005 9:24 AM
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