Wunderful Wengen
India didnt give up without a fight! Matt, Ian, and I (Tim flew out of Goa) took a cab to the airport at 1:30am and almost hit a couple of rickshaws, very very close. Our cab driver, was pretty young and didnt really know how to drive, nor did he know where the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT was. WTF? One would think that would be a place a taxi driver would know, but right, its India. So, eventually made it there slowly and and intact. had a 6 hour delay because of smog in Delhi, my flight was Bombay to Delhi to Frankfurt, Germany. So I missed my flight to Zurich, spent the night in a really nice hotel in Frankfurt, and flew Lufthansa to Zurich the next morning. I can not explain how much better Lufthansa was than Air India, but I cant complain too much, at least the flight was safe if not comfortable. No aircon during the six hour delay, while we were sitting on the hot runway.
Met up with Tim and the crew in Zurich, hopped a 3 hour train to Wengen, just near Interlaken. Its absolutely amazing, snow paradise, our chalet is SICK, and brand new. heated bathroom floors, sleeps 12, killer view, great group too. will show pics soon. My folks get in this arvo, waiting for them, cant wait to see them!
Met up with Tim and the crew in Zurich, hopped a 3 hour train to Wengen, just near Interlaken. Its absolutely amazing, snow paradise, our chalet is SICK, and brand new. heated bathroom floors, sleeps 12, killer view, great group too. will show pics soon. My folks get in this arvo, waiting for them, cant wait to see them!
Have a great Christmas, Pat! I know your folks are excited, too!
Thanks for the great trip and blog!
Andy and fam (and the TL gang too)
Anonymous, at December 24, 2005 8:48 AM
Happy belated birthday!! Sorry it is 6 days late. I hope you have a great Christmas, and we are all thinking about you. Travel Safe.
Erik & Mardy
Anonymous, at December 24, 2005 11:49 AM
Merry Christmas, Pat! We are here at Uncle John's and Aunt Lynne's house for dinner. Nancy, Jeff, Katie, Brian, Chrissie, John, Lynne, Bill, and I all hope you and your parents have a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Year!
Love you lots,
Aunt Louise and Uncle Bill
Anonymous, at December 24, 2005 6:08 PM
Merry Christmas Patrick! We missed you in Frederick. :)
Anonymous, at December 24, 2005 7:23 PM
We've been lurking on your blog for the whole trip and living vicariously...wow!!
Please give your dad my reguards for his birthday..makes me feel good now that we're the same age...gotta glote, if only for 13 days.
Have a Merry Christmas and continued good time.
Bill and Linda Hughes
Anonymous, at December 24, 2005 11:58 PM
Happy belated birthday and Merry Christmas to ya from the next best place in the world Woodbine!
So did you run into my sponsored child Sebastian while in Goa. He would have been wearing his "I'm sponsored by a cheap ass family in Maryland and all I got was this dumb shirt" shirt. He's probably the only boy in Goa that's not smiling. If so I hope you said hi for me :-)
So it's a couple weeks of 1st world relaxation then back into the 3rd world thick of it. Sure wish I could be there!!! Have a great time climbing to "Top Rock". Keep Andrew safe and out of trouble, I'm running out of mtn bike friends. Can't afford to lose another one.
Have a great time with your family and happy travels my friend!
Anonymous, at December 25, 2005 2:50 PM
Nana and Andrea here reading your blog at Homewood. Happy Birthday and please give our love to mom and dad (on his birthday).Post some pics with them if you get a chance. We love you!!
Andrea, at December 26, 2005 4:10 PM
A Happy belated birthday to you and your Dad!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Anonymous, at December 26, 2005 10:57 PM
Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas allbeit belated. Where does the new year celebration take you? That should be a fun one. Get back home safe. Larry is running off to Oklahoma. Other than that it's same ol' here. Alex from MJC
Anonymous, at December 29, 2005 9:21 AM
Hope you and K&J are having a blast! Can't wiat to see pix of the Wengen. it sounds like it will be awesome! Belated HB to you and Jim!
happy new year! - dina & tor
Anonymous, at December 29, 2005 5:14 PM
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