best week ever
Im very sorry for the lack of wordsmithery, but Ive had zero time to hit das cafe de Intraneten. In Berlin at the moment, super fun, with the full crew. heading to New Years at the Brandenburg Gate, did a good walking tour of the city today. Cold and snowy, beautiful in Berlin. I promise to fill you all in on our awesome time in Switzerland, the good times there can not be overstated. It was so fun, beautiful, amazing. Like being home with my mom and dad there, and a great croud of friends. Many thanks to everyone for the Christmas presents, and happy birthdays. and Happy New Year!!! Wish I could be with you all too!
This is Wengen. Photos now, words later.

Downtown Wengen. It's a small resort village high up in the alps, just at the bottom of the Jungfrau ski resort. no cars allowed, save a few taxis, just a train to get the people up there and back. There's a tram, cable car, in the center of town to the ski slopes. On the other side of the mountain is the massive Eiger, quite a famous mountain.

Our chalet and crew, on arrival.

Me and the Eiger, its an extremely impressive peak.

Our chalet living room, matt and I stayed up stairs in the loft, there were 3 bedrooms downstairs, two baths, kitchen, deck, awesome.
the crew was: John, Marielle, Jono, Janet, Pascale, Linda, Jen, Matt, Tim, and I. Plus my folks! Whom everyone loved, I heard "your parents are so cool" many times, and they are, they came all the way here to visit! Most were Australians, save me, Pascale (NZ), and Marielle (French).

The original crew on our sweet deck.

The crew with Mom and Dad. I was walking down one of the snow covered paths looking for thier hotel, and just saw Mom and Dad walking towards me. it was a reunion fit for the movies. Lots of hugging, kissing, smiliing, a great way to meet back up after 3 months away. classic.

The Eiger in a early morning cloud inversion.

Awww, they can still tear up the slopes with the best of them. We had a great time skiing together all week.

ReeeeeeeCOLA, it says on the gondola car. The alps were all i expected and more.

One of our fun filled nights together, I wish we had a few more weeks of this!

At the 'TOP of Europe" the highest train station, which goes right thru the Eiger, more about this crazy spot soon.

This is Wengen. Photos now, words later.

Downtown Wengen. It's a small resort village high up in the alps, just at the bottom of the Jungfrau ski resort. no cars allowed, save a few taxis, just a train to get the people up there and back. There's a tram, cable car, in the center of town to the ski slopes. On the other side of the mountain is the massive Eiger, quite a famous mountain.

Our chalet and crew, on arrival.

Me and the Eiger, its an extremely impressive peak.

Our chalet living room, matt and I stayed up stairs in the loft, there were 3 bedrooms downstairs, two baths, kitchen, deck, awesome.
the crew was: John, Marielle, Jono, Janet, Pascale, Linda, Jen, Matt, Tim, and I. Plus my folks! Whom everyone loved, I heard "your parents are so cool" many times, and they are, they came all the way here to visit! Most were Australians, save me, Pascale (NZ), and Marielle (French).

The original crew on our sweet deck.

The crew with Mom and Dad. I was walking down one of the snow covered paths looking for thier hotel, and just saw Mom and Dad walking towards me. it was a reunion fit for the movies. Lots of hugging, kissing, smiliing, a great way to meet back up after 3 months away. classic.

The Eiger in a early morning cloud inversion.

Awww, they can still tear up the slopes with the best of them. We had a great time skiing together all week.

ReeeeeeeCOLA, it says on the gondola car. The alps were all i expected and more.

One of our fun filled nights together, I wish we had a few more weeks of this!

At the 'TOP of Europe" the highest train station, which goes right thru the Eiger, more about this crazy spot soon.