Here's some photos from the adventures in Europe, i've added captions to a few but ran out of time... heading to Kenya in a few hours, should really get packed. Next stop Nairobi!

An avalanche seen from Jungfraujoch, we heard the roar before we saw it.

The lion of Lucerne, Switzerland

A fine time to fly...

A ton of snow on the wing of our flight from Zurich to Berlin. We took off a little late, but no drama.

Janet, Lynda, and Jen on the first morning in Berlin

The boys and the Berlin wall.

Checkpoint Charile

Beautiful Berlin

The infamous Berlin wall.

The Holocaust memorial, Berlin.

I like this shot of Matt walking through the Holocaust memorial.

A good night shot of a Christmas festival in Berlin.

Cool car I cant afford...

at New years celebrations, Brandenburg gate, Berlin.

Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.

Me and the Charles bridge in Prague.

Church inside the Prague Castle.

A sample of Prague's gothic architecture

Overlooking the city in Prague.

the famous Old Jewish Cemetary, Prague.

Another Charles Bridge shot, Prague.

Chuch of Bones, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic.

Me on the train to Kutna Hora.

Fun with bones, there were bones from over 40,000 people arranged around this church, very creepy.

More of the bone church...

a nice 'easy' flight.

Tim and Pascale, my excellent London tour guides.

Tynsky Church at night, Prague.

The first sign I saw once I got off the train in London. Comforting.

the classic London shot, which everyone takes. so i had to, couldn't resist.

Big Ben.

Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time...

Trafalgar Square, London.

"Look kids, Big Ben, Parliment..."

An avalanche seen from Jungfraujoch, we heard the roar before we saw it.

The lion of Lucerne, Switzerland

A fine time to fly...

A ton of snow on the wing of our flight from Zurich to Berlin. We took off a little late, but no drama.

Janet, Lynda, and Jen on the first morning in Berlin

The boys and the Berlin wall.

Checkpoint Charile

Beautiful Berlin

The infamous Berlin wall.

The Holocaust memorial, Berlin.

I like this shot of Matt walking through the Holocaust memorial.

A good night shot of a Christmas festival in Berlin.

Cool car I cant afford...

at New years celebrations, Brandenburg gate, Berlin.

Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.

Me and the Charles bridge in Prague.

Church inside the Prague Castle.

A sample of Prague's gothic architecture

Overlooking the city in Prague.

the famous Old Jewish Cemetary, Prague.

Another Charles Bridge shot, Prague.

Chuch of Bones, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic.

Me on the train to Kutna Hora.

Fun with bones, there were bones from over 40,000 people arranged around this church, very creepy.

More of the bone church...

a nice 'easy' flight.

Tim and Pascale, my excellent London tour guides.

Tynsky Church at night, Prague.

The first sign I saw once I got off the train in London. Comforting.

the classic London shot, which everyone takes. so i had to, couldn't resist.

Big Ben.

Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time...

Trafalgar Square, London.

"Look kids, Big Ben, Parliment..."
Simply amazing...
safe travels and keep sharing!
Anonymous, at January 12, 2006 12:54 PM
yo yo yo - have fun in Africa!
PS - you're developing quite the eye for the photos
Anonymous, at January 13, 2006 5:50 PM
Wow, I must agree with my comrades that your photography skills are in full bloom. Keep them coming, S A F.
Anonymous, at January 13, 2006 10:50 PM
We're enjoying the show and can't wait to see Nairobi. Meeting up with J & K this weekend so we hope to learn even more about glorious Wengen. Travel well. Love AL and Bill xox
Anonymous, at January 17, 2006 3:35 PM
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